Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What's Happening?

Well, more of the same, really. I was informed tonight that it has been way too long since I've posted, so I have to write something....

David and I finish our jobs tomorrow. Last day. This past week has been full of finishing touches.

I've had many moments of: "What the.....!!!!" It just hits, this crazy thing that we're doing. Some moments feel more real than others. Then I will think things like, "In one week, I will be sleeping in a bed in London." David called today and said, " this is our last Tuesday in America." It's funny the things that pop into our minds. We have a whole new perspective on the days left.

The packing seems endless. We have gotten rid of so much, yet we seem to have so much left! Most of the rooms look pretty empty, though. It will all be gone by Monday. (Except for what we are taking with us...)

The other thing happening is we are saying a lot of "Good-byes." That's pretty difficult. We will miss all of our Peeps. We do hope for LOTS of visitors!!!

Along with the Good Byes, we have some "Hellos" on the horizon. Shaunda's friends Richard and Kimberly are both in London. Helena, a foreign exchange student who stayed with the Irwins for a year during high school, is in Sweden, and planning to visit London early next year. Shaunda's former roommate from her semester in London, Susan, is in Spain, and has welcomed the family to visit her on the Mediterranean Coast. Then there is a colleague who recently moved to Paris. Shaunda has an aunt who's neighbor's daughter is in London, offering assistance and guidance as needed. Other connections are waiting! Spill them if you have them!

Six Days to London...

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