Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's time!

Our Entry Clearance (visas) have arrived. Plane tickets purchased. Now, the real packing begins!
David and Shaunda will fly out 2 November and stay with Shaunda's friend, Kimberly, for about the first week, while we look feverishly for a place to live. We begin work on 9 November. The kids will stay with Grandma and Grandpa for a couple of weeks so when they join us, hopefully they will join us at home. We think that will be easier on them than having to trapse around a new, strange city, walking everywhere while we find a place to live. Grandma and kids will fly out on 13 November, and Grandma will stay a couple of weeks until we get the kids into school. (It's not as easy as marching into the building, saying, "Hi, I'm here!" like it is here. There are applications to complete, then the kids will be placed in the school closest to home that is least "oversubscribed." But, before they can attend, we have to prove our residence. A lease agreement is not enough. They have to come visit us first! And, aparently, they aren't in a big hurry to do that. Hopefully we can get that all arranged before she has to return home! It may be a bit of a stretch.

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