Monday, July 27, 2009


Well, the weekend felt productive. By Friday, the outside of the house was painted. Saturday a garage sale-- good profits, but WAY too much stuff left! We'll try to get rid of some more this Saturday. Today, backerboard was laid in the kitchen, and ready for tile. Some of the wall paper is meeting it's match!
But, I'm sadly reminded that I am not 20 anymore. Went to a 12:20 movie Friday night, got up with the rooster on Saturday to do the garage sale, went to a concert Saturday night, church Sunday morning and prepared the kitchen and downstairs floors for their remodel. I can't believe I am still tired!!! Glad we hired out some of the work...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Bittersweet Moment

One of the most difficult things about this move is that we have to find homes for 3 of our 4 animals. We are going to try to take one of the cats with us. The pet love of our lives is our big dog, Rayne. He is 100 pounds of German Shepard mixed with something, and he is a total teddy bear-- unless he doesn't know you and he feels he needs to protect his people. Rayne had a sleepover this weekend with a couple who expressed interest in him. It seems, he is just what they were looking for. Darci and Jason hosted Rayne, and fell in love with him. He was on his very best behavior, and a total lover boy. Well, we say, What's Not to Love? Anyway, they were sad to see him leave tonight, and understand that we want to "dog sit" until we move. It's really nice to know that he will have a good home with people who will love and care for him, but we would really like to figure out how to ship all 100 pounds of him, and convince a London landlord that he can live in their rental..... It is apparently not likely. As you can see, he is a member of the family.....

Thursday, July 9, 2009

"So, how are things going with the move?"

This is the predominent question these days.
The answer is "slow but sure." The biggest task at this point is getting the house ready to sell. That means purge, purge, purge. And pack a little. And, the wallpaper on 16 walls "has to go," according to the realtor. Of course, those walls need painted after they are stipped of paper. And the outside of the house needs painted. And EVERYTHING needs cleaned. And, did I mention that stuff has to GO?!?!? We should probably get rid of the weeds in what is supposed to be flower beds.....
Someday soon, our employer will get our sponsorship papers and numbers. When that happens, we get to apply for our visas and entry clearance.
We still don't have a firm date yet, but expect to leave around the end of September.
The kids are still not excited, and quite vocal about not wanting to go. But, I think they are accepting that we are moving anyway. At least for now.
Not much going on for now. More later!